Your Questions Answered

Thriving not Striving

Karen Burge

Out on the plains, hunting for your dinner, your fear is keeping you alert and safe. But when you’re running a business, fear itself can be y ...

Karen Burge

Many choose a 'Word of the Year' to guide them to their goals. If 'Confidence' is yours, here are the two elements that you'll need!

Karen Burge

When we rush around we miss things, make mistakes and have a bad day. Slowing down means savouring life and achieving more.

Karen Burge

We all have many decisions to make but don't trust ourselves, rely on others opinion, regret our frist decision and even fail to set a ...

Karen Burge

Putting in boundaries and protecting your work-life balance ensures you can grow your business more quickly and easily.

Karen Burge

When we get overwhelmed it's becasue we don't set boundaries. We need to say "let me be me!"

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