Your Questions Answered

Thriving not Striving

Karen Burge

When you set an extraordinary goal, everything changes, but these 4 thoughts could be sabotaging you.

Karen Burge

Out on the plains, hunting for your dinner, your fear is keeping you alert and safe. But when you’re running a business, fear itself can be y ...

Karen Burge

Too often we feel unworthy and play small, but that's our decision. When you realise you get to decide what you believe about yourself...

Karen Burge

We're bombarded with advice on how to transform our lives at this time of year, But there's no shortcut. Do this instead.

Karen Burge

There’s a big pool of coaches out there now, so if you were curious about getting a coach, how would you choose one?

Karen Burge

Fear can affect your behaviour, your actions and your life. It can hold you back. There's a secret to overcoming fear and getting excited!

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