Your Questions Answered

Thriving not Striving

Karen Burge

Out on the plains, hunting for your dinner, your fear is keeping you alert and safe. But when you’re running a business, fear itself can be y ...

Karen Burge

Do you know the parable of the farmer scattering his seed in the hope of a good crop?  Unfortunately, some of it fell on hard ground, some s ...

Karen Burge

We all dare to dream, but then what happens? We live life and play small. Reaching for your dream, you embark on a journey and along the ...

Karen Burge

We say Yes out of laziness, obligation or fear. But when we say Yes to all that life has to offer, even though it feels uncomfortable, we ...

Karen Burge

Our fear of missing out and our hunger for other people's knowledge, thoughts and ideas, prevents us from having our own.

Karen Burge

There’s a big pool of coaches out there now, so if you were curious about getting a coach, how would you choose one?

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