Your Questions Answered

Thriving not Striving

Karen Burge

Do you know the parable of the farmer scattering his seed in the hope of a good crop?  Unfortunately, some of it fell on hard ground, some s ...

Karen Burge

We all have many decisions to make but don't trust ourselves, rely on others opinion, regret our frist decision and even fail to set a ...

Karen Burge

Are you "playing small"? Nobody get's to decide what your big vision should be but you. Here's how to decide it, claim it, and live it.

Karen Burge

What does the phrase work-life balance mean? Surely work is one part of lie and all these parts are interconnected. One fails and they all ...

Karen Burge

“I had the house but I lost the home. I had success but I had no significance. I had power but I had no purpose. I had money but I had no me ...

Karen Burge

We all talk about it these days but increasingly fail to achieve it. If you're feeling pulled in all directions, here are 7 tips to help...

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